Check out Neil the Brooklynguy’s round-up of Wine Blogging Wednesday #39, Silver Burgundy. Neil went to every participant’s post, near as I can tell, and commented on their reviews, which I think is admirable and very classy. Plus, they were real, insightful comments and not just “good job” – what a caring thing to do! It was a great theme, I’m glad so many people participated.
Wine Blogging Wednesday #40 is being hosted by Sonadora of Wannabe Wino, and she’s chosen the theme of Petite Sirah or Durif. Can’t go wrong with that grape in my book! I’ll look for something I haven’t tried yet, maybe see if I can find a French or Australian Durif to taste against a California PS?
Thanks to Lenn at Lennedevours for inventing Wine Blogging Wednesday, a chance for the wine blogging community to come together in spirit, if not corporeally, once a month! Just so you know, you don’t need a wine blog to participate! Mark your calendar, taste a wine, and write a review to email to Sonadora this December 12! Join in — everybody’s doing it.
0 replies on “WBW #39 Round-up, WBW #40 announced”
Thanks for the mention! I’ve already managed to locate a Durif from Australia, I’m keeping my fingers crossed to find one from France as well. I’m hoping to host a blind tasting at my house the Saturday before WBW and put up a PS/Durif from the US, Australia, France, and somewhere in South America, as I’ve seen some PS coming out of there recently as well, all against each other. Good luck in your hunt!
Hi Scampy – thanks for appreciating the effort, and in your comment on my blog too. it’s nice to feel appreciated! happy thanksgiving-