Check out Neil the Brooklynguy’s round-up of Wine Blogging Wednesday #39, Silver Burgundy. Neil went to every participant’s post, near as I can tell, and commented on their reviews, which I think is admirable and very classy. Plus, they were real, insightful comments and not just “good job” – what a caring thing to do! It was a great theme, I’m glad so many people participated.
Wine Blogging Wednesday #40 is being hosted by Sonadora of Wannabe Wino, and she’s chosen the theme of Petite Sirah or Durif. Can’t go wrong with that grape in my book! I’ll look for something I haven’t tried yet, maybe see if I can find a French or Australian Durif to taste against a California PS?
Thanks to Lenn at Lennedevours for inventing Wine Blogging Wednesday, a chance for the wine blogging community to come together in spirit, if not corporeally, once a month! Just so you know, you don’t need a wine blog to participate! Mark your calendar, taste a wine, and write a review to email to Sonadora this December 12! Join in — everybody’s doing it.